SysHR – Human Resource management system and Payroll
The SysHR system covers all the specific requirements of a large organization for an integrated information system for human resources and payroll management, covering all activities related to personnel management, payroll accrual and calculation, preparation and submission of the necessary information to the National Social Security Institute and other official institutions, as well as providing a wide range of report information, both for the purposes of the organization's management and the requirements of the controlling authorities, built using modern technical solutions and platforms.
The SysHR integrated information system for human resources and payroll management is built on a modular principle using state-of-the-art system platforms and architectural solutions in the construction of complex and substantial information systems. The system incorporates all the general and specific requirements necessary for the operation of such a system in the conditions of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as all the individual technologies necessary for the management of the personnel of an organization. SysHR system is a comprehensive and integrated solution for the automation of human resources management activities of a complex structure, including both individual organizational units and subdivisions of the organization.